Jarrett Construction

1605 Virginia St East
Charleston, West Virginia

The Capito House

I – Type of Construction: The following work centers made up this renovation project:

1. Restoration of a 5600 square foot three story historic home with basement.
2. A new 1200 sf Carriage House for storage and supplies.
3. Removal of existing dead and detrimental trees.
4. Demolition of existing lay-in ceiling tiles, deteriorated plaster ceilings and walls, and existing spiral staircase.
5. Completely new storm drainage and foundation drainage for the entire site.
6. Relocation of existing overhead electric service to underground.
7. Landscaping and lawn sprinkler systems by ABC member Valley Gardens, Inc.
8. New asphalt paving and striping for 15 cars.
9. New concrete drive and cheek walls at entrance. Concrete and reinforcing supplied by ABC member Foster Supply.
10. Brick restoration of five (5) chimneys and complete pointing and cleaning of all brick surfaces.
11. New galvanized steel emergency fire escape.
12. New wood trim at various locations, solid birch fireplace mantles.
13. Installation of blow-in and batt insulation in all exterior wood stud wall cavities and ceiling spaces.
14. Reline existing box gutters and new fluted round downspouts.
15. Refinishing of all existing wood work, 5 panel 7’-4” doors and all built-in cabinetry.
16. Refinishing of all exterior wood windows.
17. New fire rated stairwell.
18. New floor finishes included ceramic and quarry tile and carpet.
19. Refinishing all existing oak and pine floors
20. Patching or replacement of all existing plaster walls and ceilings.
21. New custom ceramic shower.
22. New 2” wood blinds.
23. Custom painting of the 5600 sf facility.
24. New toilet accessories and fire extinguishers to meet code requirements.
25. New custom casework for two kitchens.
26. Completely new plumbing systems all performed by ABC member Webb Plumbing.
27. Complete new HVAC systems with over 10 tons of air conditioning.
28. Complete new 400 amp electrical distribution system, period style lighting, controls, fire alarm, data and communications.

II – Size of Project: The total square footage of the project was approximately 5600 sf.

III – Contract Value: The contract value was over $500,000 and under $1,000,000.

IV – Schedule: Construction commenced in January 2005 and was substantially
Complete in November of 2005.

V – Percent of labor self performed: 35%.

