Stonerise Eastbrook Edition
Mr. Tim Thopmson
Stonerise Healthcare
700 Chapell Road
Charleston WV 25304
Subj: Stonerise Eastbrook Facility Proposal
Dear Mr. Thompson;
We are delighted to submit to you our response to the request for proposal (RFP) for a building addition to Chesterfield Land Company’s Eastbrook facility in Charleston, West Virginia! We acknowledge receipt of five addendums and a July 6, 2017 email from Keith Smith. Our response is presented in the order as requested in the RFP.
You will find our proposal to be competitive with aggressive savings on B&O taxes. You will also find our proposed construction team to be second to none. Bill Long will serve as project manager and Doug Button will be the project superintendent. Please see Tab 1 for more details. I will serve as project executive and have daily involvement with the project. Over 80 years of construction experience will benefit Stonerise and their clients/patients!