Carewood Supportive Living Apartments
Helena Ave., Delbarton, WV
The project is a 2 storey mixed use Commercial/Residential structure totaling 8530s.f. The structure consist of 2876s.f. of assembly area and has 4 apartments with living space totaling 5136s.f.
The building structure is wood frame with engineered trusses, fire rated walls and ceilings and protected with a fire sprinkler system. The exterior is a combination of brick and siding with covered porches. The 1st floor apartment has a private entrance and the 2nd floor is accessible via a stairway or an elevator that is not accessible to the general public.
The site is a former gas filling station and garage that currently has storm water runoff from town streets 50’ in elevation up the mountain behind the property. The runoff crosses the middle of the property as a stream and diverts into an existing culvert at the front of the lot. When completed the current drainage will be captured on site at the toe of the mountain and routed around the building, picking up the onsite drainage, before crossing WV Route 65 to the town’s drainage system.
To locate the building on this site the engineer has designed a grade beam foundation system to deal with the soils and a poured in place concrete wall hold back the mountain.